1. TITLE: "The Wild World of Restaurant Drama"
2. LEVEL: B1/B2
a) List 8 words with definitions:
1. Owner - a person who has legal possession of a business
2. Playboy - a man who is devoted to a life of luxury and sexual pleasure
3. Trapped - confined or restricted in a space or situation
4. Ravoni - a type of Italian pasta dish
5. Retaliate - to respond to an attack or criticism
6. Hourly - paid by the hour
7. Tips - extra money given as a reward for good service
8. Pansy - a weak or effeminate man
b) WORD BANK: Owner, Playboy, Trapped, Ravoni, Retaliate, Hourly, Tips, Pansy
Matching exercise with letters (A-H):
A. Owner
B. Playboy
C. Trapped
D. Ravoni
E. Retaliate
F. Hourly
G. Tips
H. Pansy
c) Fill-in-gap exercise with word bank:
1. The ___________ of the restaurant is a very wealthy man.
2. The chef used to be a ___________ in Las Vegas.
3. The cats are ___________ inside their bodies.
4. The customer complained about the ___________ pasta dish.
5. The chef will ___________ if someone sends back her food.
6. The servers are paid an ___________ wage.
7. The customers often leave ___________ for good service.
8. The chef's husband called the customer a ___________.
4. LISTENING: 5 comprehension questions
1. Who is the owner of the restaurant?
2. What was the chef's previous job?
3. What does the chef compare her cats to?
4. How does the chef react when a customer complains about her food?
5. What does the owner do with the servers' tips?
5. GRAMMAR: 5 grammar points with explanations
1. Present simple tense: used to talk about habits, routines, and facts. Example: "I make hourly, where do the tips go?" (line 35)
2. Past simple tense: used to talk about completed actions in the past. Example: "He was a Playboy in Vegas." (line 8)
3. Adjectives: used to describe nouns. Example: "Beautiful women" (line 7)
4. Imperative verbs: used to give orders or commands. Example: "Come around, please." (line 6)
5. Modal verbs: used to express possibility, ability, or obligation. Example: "You should know what you like to eat." (line 26)
6. ACTIVITY: Practical learning activity
Role-play: Divide the students into pairs and have them act out a scenario where a customer complains about their food at a restaurant. One student will play the role of the customer and the other will play the role of the chef. Encourage them to use vocabulary and grammar from the transcript in their conversation.
7. HOMEWORK: Writing assignment
Imagine you are a restaurant owner and write a response to a customer's complaint about their food. Use vocabulary and grammar from the transcript to strengthen your argument.
8. ASSESSMENT: Answer key
1. a) Sammy, b) Owner, c) Emy, d) Playboy, e) Las Vegas, f) Cats
2. a) False, b) True, c) True, d) False, e) True
3. a) Gordon Ramsey, b) Playboy, c) Cats, d) Angry, e) Keep walking
4. a) A wealthy man, b) Playboy, c) Cats, d) Angry, e) Takes them
5. a) To hurt them, b) Angry, c) Angry, d) True, e) True
9. CLOSING: Review summary
In this lesson, we learned about the drama that can occur in a restaurant, including conflicts between the owner, chef, and customers. We also practiced vocabulary related to restaurant and food, as well as grammar points such as verb tenses and imperative and modal verbs. Remember to use these new words and grammar points in your own writing and conversations!